
This is a blog where we will discuss how to develop a social studies mind when engaging in reading.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Social studies is a broad category, so it might be helpful to identify some of its components in order to get a better idea of what composes a social studies mind.

Geography (cultural)
Political Science

These are some main disciplines within Social Studies, but it might be said that the Humanities and Social Studies could be a combined discipline - that would allow Religious Studies, Anthropology, etc...to be included. However, that is another discussion altogether.

The idea here is that there are multiple ways of viewing the world, even multiple ways of viewing the same thing.

To develop a social studies mind one must begin to understand the components better. Suffice to say each of these perspectives will be addressed as needed. The point I am making here is merely trying to make you aware that a social studies mind is a discipline composed of many pieces, but when they are put together they form a hoilistic insight into the world that is rivaled by none.

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